Performance Optimization with Zone-Flags. How to Debug Zone Flags. Part 3
With so many moving parts involved in making Zone Flags work the way you need them to, troubleshooting is not easy. This article explains what problems to expect and which debugging strategies you should implement working with zone-flags.
Performance Optimization with Zone-Flags. A Close Look at Zone-Flags in RxAngular. Part 2
Currently, there are two ways of configuring zone.js. In the previous article, we’ve discussed how to disable Zone completely over BootstrapOptions. Zone Flags is the other equally viable alternative to consider when deciding to configure zone.js.
Angular Performance Optimization with Zone-Flags. Part 1
While it is quite well documented how to disable a zone completely, there is no information out there about fine-grained adoptions. Zone-Flags can come in handy when taking this approach and substantially improve the performance of your Angular app.