
SVGs at the Speed of Light: Mastering SVG Optimization in Modern Web Applications

Feb 1 Madrid, Spain

Christopher Holder
Christopher Holder
Christopher Holder

Christopher Holder

Angular MadridAttend the event
Angular Madrid 2024 - Chris Holder

Optimize the performance and scalability of your SVGs in modern web applications.

A dive into the world of SVG performance optimizations in Angular applications. Discover how rendering optimization, lazy loading, and server-side rendering with state transfer can significantly improve SVG performance. We'll do a detailed analysis of common SVG implementations, comparing Ionic, angular-svg-icon, and Angular Material. The session will conclude with an exploration of ngx-fast-svg, an innovative open-source alternative designed with optimal performance and a great developer experience in mind.


  • Learn how to optimize SVG rendering in web applications.

  • Understand lazy loading and server-side SVG rendering in Angular.

  • Compare SVG tools: Ionic, angular-svg-icon, Angular Material.

  • Check out ngx-fast-svg for better performance.

  • Practical tips for SVG optimization.