
Modern Angular at Scale – Performance and Architecture

May 6 Mainz, Germany

Michael Hladky
Christopher Holder
Michael Hladky +1
Michael Hladky

Michael Hladky

Christopher Holder

Christopher Holder

enterJS 2024 - Michael & Chris

In this workshop, you will learn how to use standalone components to build more modular and scalable applications. You will also learn how to use the new inject function for dependency injection. We will also teach you to understand signals and fine-grained reactivity to boost your application's performance.

We will cover all details of NgOptimizedImages, SSR, and how to scale component architecture.


  • Signals CD vs. default Angular CD

  • Standalone Components, Directives and Pipes

  • Dependency injection: new inject method

  • Functional guards, interceptors & resolvers

  • New provider functions

  • New router provider

  • Signals: Angular's new reactive primitive

  • Fine-grained change detection

  • Typed reactive forms

  • Directive composition API

  • NgOptimizedImage

  • SSR & hydration

  • esbuild