
Angular Performance at Scale

May 23
May 23 - May 24, 2023 Warsaw, Poland

Michael Hladky

Michael Hladky

WorkshopFest Attend the event
workshopfest 2023

High-Speed Angular Applications on Any Device.

The web has never been more exciting! But it has also never been as demanding to our devices and infrastructure as it is today. Our browsers ship new features and languages get updates only to squeeze out the last bit of performance we can get.

The problem here, there are no real resources out there that show us how to apply those optimization techniques in practice. This is especially true when it comes to framework-specific questions.

This workshop will go way beyond the basics to boost your knowledge and skills. If you really want to learn about improving the performance of your Angular application, you need to be aware of and comfortable with way more than the async pipe, ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush & trackBy.

Building applications, especially larger ones, with Angular on the frontend, you risk running into performance bottlenecks. Therefore, to still be able to deliver a fast user experience, you must know what techniques to use to identify and remove the problems that are causing poor performance.

In this workshop, we will take a deep dive into how Angular performance optimization works and push its change detection mechanisms to the limit. Furthermore, we will have in-depth sessions on generally optimizing JavaScript code and native rendering performance.

You will go home with lots of exercises to guide you and a wealth of insights to work with, impressed by how much faster your application can get.


  • How to record and analyze flame charts

  • How to document performance issues in Angular and measure improvements

  • Analyze and fix performance bugs in Components

  • Analyze and fix performance bugs in Services

  • Working hands on with Angular’s brand new DevTools

  • Analyzing Memory Usage and Active Event listeners

  • Blocking Tasks and how to Spot Scripting Bottlenecks

  • Network Analysis and Improvement Strategies

  • ChangeDetection